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  2. Events
  3. Online Event: Infrared Lock-in Thermography

Infrared Lock-in Ther­mo­graphy for Inspec­tion of Elec­tro­nics and Inte­grated Circuits (Sprache: Englisch)

The thermographic inspection of electronic components and assemblies is an established test procedure for failure detection and quality management – from the development of first prototypes to serial production. You would like to know more? Then join the free InfraTec online event.

Aktuelle Termine

  • Infrared Lock-in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits (Englisch)


    09.04.2025, 10:00 MESZ  – 12:00 MESZ

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About the Online Event

The inspection of electronic components and assemblies by using active thermography is an established method for troubleshooting and quality assurance – from prototype development to series production.

In particular the lock-in thermography provides highly detailed information during each development step. This information can be essential for the design of complex electronic circuits or assemblies to optimise the thermal management. Active thermography is applied especially in electronics production as a versatile tool: for example, in quality assurance, for permanent monitoring of technological parameters as well as for inline inspection of products in manufacturing.

A Glimpse at the Online Event

  • Failure analysis and defect inspection

  • Quality and process control

  • Flexible R&D solution

  • Basic configuration to turnkey solution

  • Hotspot detection on printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, semiconductor material and multi-chip modules

  • Detection of faulty thermal connections of heat sinks, short circuits, soldering defects and wire bonding errors

Complementary Technical Lecture

We are pleased to announce a technical lecture from thermography practice:

Title: "Semiconductor IR-LIT Analytics – Challenges and Case Studies"

Speaker: Marko Hoffmann from Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG

Weitere Thermografie Online-Events von InfraTec

Seminar Ther­mo­grafie-Grund­lagen
08.04.2025 | 09:00 MESZ - 16:30 MESZVirtuell

In der Grundlagenschulung „Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Infrarot-Thermografie“ erfahren Sie mehr über die theoretischen Hintergründe der Infrarot-Thermografie, deren konkrete Auswirkungen auf Ihre praktischen Messungen und Auswertemöglichkeiten der aufgenommenen Thermografie-Messdaten.

InfraTec-Webinar: Infrared Lock-in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits - Bildnachweis: © iStock.com / scorpp
Online Event
Infrared Lock-in Ther­mo­graphy for Inspec­tion of Elec­tro­nics and Inte­grated Circuits
09.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 12:00 MESZVirtuell

The thermographic inspection of electronic components and assemblies is an established test procedure for failure detection and quality management – from the development of first prototypes to serial production. You would like to know more? Then join the free InfraTec online event.

Seminar Thermografie-Software IRBIS® 3
10.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 15:30 MESZVirtuell

Das Seminar vermittelt Ihnen spezifisches Wissen zur effizienten Nutzung der Thermografie-Auswertesoftware IRBIS® 3 von InfraTec.

Seminar Ther­mo­grafie-Grund­lagen
08.04.2025 | 09:00 MESZ - 16:30 MESZVirtuell

In der Grundlagenschulung „Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Infrarot-Thermografie“ erfahren Sie mehr über die theoretischen Hintergründe der Infrarot-Thermografie, deren konkrete Auswirkungen auf Ihre praktischen Messungen und Auswertemöglichkeiten der aufgenommenen Thermografie-Messdaten.

InfraTec-Webinar: Infrared Lock-in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits - Bildnachweis: © iStock.com / scorpp
Online Event
Infrared Lock-in Ther­mo­graphy for Inspec­tion of Elec­tro­nics and Inte­grated Circuits
09.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 12:00 MESZVirtuell

The thermographic inspection of electronic components and assemblies is an established test procedure for failure detection and quality management – from the development of first prototypes to serial production. You would like to know more? Then join the free InfraTec online event.

Seminar Thermografie-Software IRBIS® 3
10.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 15:30 MESZVirtuell

Das Seminar vermittelt Ihnen spezifisches Wissen zur effizienten Nutzung der Thermografie-Auswertesoftware IRBIS® 3 von InfraTec.

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