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  3. Online Event: Thermography Compact
Online Event

Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology

Attend our thermography online event "Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology" and learn more about the possibilities of thermography in this challenging field of activity.

InfraTec Webinar Thermography Compact

Aktuelle Termine

  • Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology / August 2025 (Englisch)


    26.08.2025, 14:00 MESZ  – 17:00 MESZ

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About the Online Event

The online event give you the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of thermography in your demanding field of activity in a concentrated form. Meet colleagues for professional exchange and get to know innovative product news as well as system solutions from InfraTec.

Contens of the Event

  • General information about infrared thermography

  • Presentation of different thermography camera techniques

  • Presentation of different applications from research and development

  • Lectures from the thermography practice

  • Non-destructive material testing, active thermography

  • Innovative automation solutions from InfraTec

  • Thermography technology presentation and practical demonstrations

  • Discussion round with questions and answers

Complementary Technical Lecture

We are pleased to announce a technical lecture from thermography practice:

Title: “The IGI EcoMapper – High-Precision Aerial Survey in Five Spectral Bands”

Speaker: Dr. rer. nat. Jens Kremer, Manager R&D, IGI mbH, Germany

Weitere Thermografie Online-Events von InfraTec

Seminar Ther­mo­grafie-Grund­lagen
08.04.2025 | 09:00 MESZ - 16:30 MESZVirtuell

In der Grundlagenschulung „Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Infrarot-Thermografie“ erfahren Sie mehr über die theoretischen Hintergründe der Infrarot-Thermografie, deren konkrete Auswirkungen auf Ihre praktischen Messungen und Auswertemöglichkeiten der aufgenommenen Thermografie-Messdaten.

InfraTec-Webinar: Infrared Lock-in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits - Bildnachweis: © iStock.com / scorpp
Online Event
Infrared Lock-in Ther­mo­graphy for Inspec­tion of Elec­tro­nics and Inte­grated Circuits
09.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 12:00 MESZVirtuell

The thermographic inspection of electronic components and assemblies is an established test procedure for failure detection and quality management – from the development of first prototypes to serial production. You would like to know more? Then join the free InfraTec online event.

Seminar Thermografie-Software IRBIS® 3
10.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 15:30 MESZVirtuell

Das Seminar vermittelt Ihnen spezifisches Wissen zur effizienten Nutzung der Thermografie-Auswertesoftware IRBIS® 3 von InfraTec.

Seminar Ther­mo­grafie-Grund­lagen
08.04.2025 | 09:00 MESZ - 16:30 MESZVirtuell

In der Grundlagenschulung „Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis der Infrarot-Thermografie“ erfahren Sie mehr über die theoretischen Hintergründe der Infrarot-Thermografie, deren konkrete Auswirkungen auf Ihre praktischen Messungen und Auswertemöglichkeiten der aufgenommenen Thermografie-Messdaten.

InfraTec-Webinar: Infrared Lock-in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits - Bildnachweis: © iStock.com / scorpp
Online Event
Infrared Lock-in Ther­mo­graphy for Inspec­tion of Elec­tro­nics and Inte­grated Circuits
09.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 12:00 MESZVirtuell

The thermographic inspection of electronic components and assemblies is an established test procedure for failure detection and quality management – from the development of first prototypes to serial production. You would like to know more? Then join the free InfraTec online event.

Seminar Thermografie-Software IRBIS® 3
10.04.2025 | 10:00 MESZ - 15:30 MESZVirtuell

Das Seminar vermittelt Ihnen spezifisches Wissen zur effizienten Nutzung der Thermografie-Auswertesoftware IRBIS® 3 von InfraTec.

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